Could we even call it the Kleefeld HONEY Run if we did not provide copious amounts of honey??
Thank you to Bartel Honey Farms for donating all of the honey for our top finishers.
We have four categories this year:
Male Under 18
Male 18+
Female Under 18
Female 18+
Top Overall Male and Female:
4.5 kg (10 lbs) pail of honey
In each of the four categories:
1st: 2.7 kg (6 lbs) pail of honey
2nd: 1 kg (2.2 lbs) container of honey
3rd: 500g (1.1 lb) container of honey

Interested in winning CASH PRIZES?? Top male and females win cash prizes AND the opportunity for additional prize money if a male or female breaks the current Manitoba Runners Association 5km best time of the season on a certified course in their category. The prize money will be broken down as follows:
Male (all ages)
1st $100
2nd $50
3rd $25
Female (all ages)
1st $100
2nd $50
3rd $25
For both males and females (separately): if you set the fastest official 5km time for the 2023 Manitoba Road Race season, you will win an ADDITIONAL $100!! PLUS a random $100 draw will be performed for any registered runner to receive. The times to beat will be shared closer to Race Day.

Join our stroller category! If you complete the Kleefeld Honey Run with a stroller (and a real kid inside) you will automatically be entered into our official stroller category generously sponsored by RIVR Financial.
You will run for a chance to win diapers!
Not enough?! We have MORE prizes to surprise you with on Race Day! We look forward to having you there!
We wish you the best of luck!!